We are a sports-fi technology company

Specializing in providing a Play and Earn Mobile App for the exciting sport of pickleball.

Our all-encompassing lifestyle app offers a unique Social-Fi + Game-Fi experience that puts you at the cutting edge of this fast-growing sport. With our simple and intuitive Web 3 onboarding process, we make it easier than ever to join in on all things pickleball. We are using groundbreaking technology to take your pickleball experience up a notch!

Our mission is to provide you with the best resources and technology to make playing pickleball easier than ever before, while also creating an unparalleled experience that will revolutionize how people play and enjoy this beloved sport. But our ambition doesn't stop there: We plan on providing a one-stop-shop where everyone can find all they need to know about pickleball in one convenient place.

Jude Thomas

Founder & CEO

Dan Brinker

Founder & President

Mike Fox


Hitesh Rawal


Gordon Jones

VP of EcoSystems

Steve Schaaf


Hudsen Smith

Dev & Operations

Sean Madden

Ambassador Program

Hassan Sadiq

Web3 Marketing

Scott Moore

Winningest All Time Senior Pro Player

Rick Barry

NBA Hall of Famer, Pickleball Player

Mike Krilivisky


Patty Brewer

COO at Linqto

Kathryn Brewer

CEO at Leading Edge Avionics, Inc.

Ray Murray

Fundraising Director

Tiki Tsakiris

Picklezone Ambassador

Don Shaffer

Picklezone Ambassador

Ian Scarffe

Blockchain Advisor